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Dotnet Training

Trainer: Dasharad

Duration: 60 Hours

Topic NameHour
Introduction to .NET Framework Hour 1
Topic Name Hour
C# Introduction  Hour 2
Enumerations and Arrays  Hour 3
Constructors, Destructors, Partial Classes and Static Classes  Hour 4
Introduction to Inheritance, Visibility Modifiers and Simple Inheritance  Hour 5
Hiding methods, Method Overriding, Abstract Classes and Methods  Hour 6
Sealed Classes and Interfaces  Hour 7
Delegates, Generics Hour 8
Exceptions, Debugging, Break points, Immediate window, Collections  Hour 9
Multi Threading, , LINQ  Hour 10
Assemblies Hour 11
Manipulating Files and File Stream  Hour 12
Topic Name Hour
Sql Basics, History, Querys  Hour 13
Built in Functions  Hour 14
Joins  Hour 15
Views, Indexes  Hour 16
Stored procedures, triggersViews, Indexes  Hour 17
Topic Name Hour
Introduction to java script,HTML,CSS  Hour 18
Basic functions Implementation in Bootstarp  Hour 19
Java script events Handling  Hour 20
Java script Validations  Hour 21
Attaching an external java script file  Hour 22
Topic Name Hour
What is J query? Installation and syntax.  Hour 23
Selectors and events and animation effects  Hour 24
J query Ajax calls and Content delivery networks(CDN)  Hour 25
J query Validations Hour 26
External j query plugins and J query UI  Hour 27
Topic Name Hour
EF Core – Introduction and Data Annotations Attributes  Hour 28
Data Annotations Attributes  Hour 29
Fluent API and EF Core – Configurations Hour 30
Entity F – Code First Approach Hour 31
Entity F – Database First Approach Hour 32
Entity F – Stored Procedures  Hour 33
Entity Framework – Eager,Lazy Loading Hour 34
Topic Name Hour
Create and test Web API Project  Hour 35
Web API Routing  Hour 36
Parameter Binding, Action Return Type, Data Formats and filters Hour 37
Consume Web API and Swagger Integration Hour 38
Entity F – Stored Procedures  Hour 39
Dependency Injection Hour 40
JSON and Restful APIs ( Async & Await ); Hour 41
Topic Name Hour
Understand .NET Core architecture and Advantages  Hour 42
Understand ASP.NET Core middleware  Hour 43
Configure ASP.NET Core MVC Hour 44
Use Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core Hour 45
Work with Entity Framework Core  Hour 46
Handle Errors in ASP.NET Core Hour 47
Understand and Implement Repository, Unit of Work and Dependency Injection Design Pattern Hour 48
Razor views and Bootstrap  Hour 49
Publish theirs Apps on IIS, Azure Hour 50
Source Controls (Git,TFS),Devops Integration Hour 51
Topic Name Hour
Angular Introduction and Constructing User Interface (UI) Components  Hour 52
Testing Angular Components & Functionality  Hour 53
Adding Interactivity to Your Applications Hour 54
Navigation and Data Transformation Hour 55
Building Interactive Forms  Hour 56
Managing Asynchronous Behavior Hour 57
Extending Angular Capabilities Hour 58
  1. Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  2. Selenium RC (Remote Control)
  3. Selenium Grid
  4. Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0