DOTNET Content
- Introduction to C#
- Versions Of C#
- Variables
- Data Types
- Operators
- Keywords
- Control Statements
- if-else
- switch
- For Loop
- While Loop
- Do-While Loop
- Break
- Continue
- Goto
- Comments
- Functions
- Call By Value
- Call By Reference
- Out Parameter
- Arrays
- Array to Function
- Multidimensional Array
- Params
- Array class
- Command Line Args
- Object and Class
- Constructor
- Destructor
- this
- static
- static class
- static constructor
- Structs
- Enum
- Properties
- Introduction To OOPS
- Inheritance
- Inheritance
- Aggregation
- Polymorphism
- Member Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Base
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Abstract
- Interface
- Namespace
- Access Modifiers
- Encapsulation
- String Handling
- String Functions
Exception Handling Mechanism
- a)CompileTime or Syntax Errors and its Reasons
- b)RunTime Errors and its Reasons
- c)Abnormal Termination Vs Normal Termination with an Example Programs
- d)try/catch block statements
- e)Example Programs Using try and catch block statements(Handling the Runtime Errors)
- f)finally block statements
- g)Example Programs Using finally block statements.
Input Streams and Output streams using File Handling Mechanism
- a)FileStream
- b)StreamWriter
- c)StreamReader
- d)TextWriter
- e)TextReader
- f)BinaryWriter
- k)Serialization
- l)Deserialization
- Generics
- i)List<T>
- ii)HashSet<T>
- iii)SortedSet<T>
- iv)Stack<T>
- v)Queue<T>
- vi)LinkedList<T>
- vii)Dictionary<K,V>
- viii)SortedDictionary<K,V>
- ix)SortedList<K,V>
- i)Thread Life Cycle
- ii)Thread class
- iii)Main Thread
- iv)Thread Example
- v)Thread Sleep
- vi)Thread Abort
- vii)Thread Join
- viii)Thread Name
- ix)ThreadPriority
- Swap Number
- Decimal to Binary
- Number in Characters
- Alphabet Triangle
- Number Triangle
- Fibonacci Triangle
- Introduction
- Data Providers
- SQL Server
- Connection
- Command
- DataReader
- DataSet
- DataAdapter
- DataTables
- WF Example
- MVC Example
- Introduction
- Life Cycle Process Of ASP
- Web Forms
- >WF Introduction
- WF Features
- First WF Example Project
- Server Controls
- Label
- TextBox
- Button
- HyperLink
- RadioButton
- Calender
- CheckBox
- LinkButton
- FileUpload
- Multiple FileUpload
- Download a File
- Cookies
- Sessions
- DropDownList
- DataList
- DataGrid
- WF User Registration
- WF Events Handling
- WF Authentication
- WF Model Binding
- HTML Server Controls
- ASP.NET Validation
- RegularExpressions