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Salesforce Couse Content Total 40 Hrs

Salesforce Admin - Duration:15 Hrs

  • Standard
  • Custom
  • Standard
  • Custom
  • Different Field Datatypes
  • Master Detail
  • Lookup
  • Self
  • Hierarchal
  • Many To Many
  • Creation of Users
  • Deactivation of Users
  • What is Profile
  • How to control Access on Objects Using Profiles
  • How to control other administrative and custom permission using profiles
  • What is permission Set
  • How to grant additional access using permission sets
  • Creation of Tabs
  • Different Types of Tabs
  • Detail Page Layout and Edit Page Layout
  • How to Modify the Existing page layout
  • Edit Page Layout
  • Creation of Page Layout
  • Page Layout Assignment
  • How to make a field Required or read-only on page layout
  • Difference Between Universally required Fields and Page Layout Level Required field
  • Search Layout and Views
  • Controlling Field
  • Dependent Field
  • Limitations
  • Creation of Record Types
  • Page Layout Assignment
  • Picklist Values Edit for Record Types
  • Real-Time scenarios
  • Sharing settings


  • Formula Fields
  • Rollup Summary
  • Improper Data check
  • Conditionally Required field
  • Data Consistency
  • Date Format Check
  • Using VLOOKUP function
  • Immediate workflow Rule
  • Time Dependent Workflow Rule



Apex Programming

Duration : 12 Hrs

Topic NameHour

Custom Settings

Custom Labels


 1 Hr
List, Set and Map collection data types 1 Hr
Apex Classes 1 Hr
Triggers5 Hrs

Batch Apex

Scheduler Apex

 1 Hr

Test classes

With Sharing and Without Sharing in Apex Classes

Try and Catch block

 1 Hr

Governor Limits in

Date and Date time

 1 Hr
1 Hr

Lightning Aura

Duration : 13 Hrs

  • Introduction to Lightning Experience
  • Lightning Component Framework
  • Introduction to aura framework
  • Enabling and Disabling of Lightning Experience for your organization
  • Migrating from Classic to Lightning Experience Vice-Versa
  • What is Domain Management?
  • Creating Custom Domain for the organization
  • Configuring Custom Domain
  • Configuring Authentication Setting for your Domain
  • What is Static Resource
  • Steps for Creating Static Resource
  • Stylesheet Creation using Static Resource
  • Creation of Lightning Resource using Console
  • Lightning Application
  • Lightning Component
  • Lightning Interface
  • Lightning Event
  • Steps for creating Lightning Application
  • Application
  • Controller
  • Helper
  • Style
  • Documentation
  • Renderer
  • SVG
  • Adding of SVG resource to Component Bundle
  • Adding Lightning Component to application
  • Tabs and App Launcher
  • Adding of the lightning page to a custom tab (lightning page tab)
  • Adding lightning components to an app launcher
  • Steps for creating Lightning Component
  • Component
  • CSS Styles
  • Controller
  • Design
  • Documentation
  • Re-render
  • Helper
  • SVG File
  • Setting the attribute values
  • Getting the attribute values
  • Aura: handler
  • Helper
  • Creating the Helper
  • With sharing
  • Without sharing
  • @AuraEnabled
  • Creating @Aura Enabled variables
  • Combining App, Component and JS controller
  • Invoking the apex class in the Lightning
  • Checking response state of controller calling
  • SOQL in Lightning
  • DML in Lightning
  • Application Events
  • Component Events
  • Creating Events
  • Handling Events
  • Firing Events
  • Firing Events from
  • interfaces
  • Setting Parameters
  • Getting Parameters
  • Salesforce defined standard Events
  • Show Toast
  • What is Lightning Data Service?
  • Lightning data service advantages
  • force:recordData
  • Loading a Record
  • Saving a Record
  • Creating a Record
  • Deleting a Record
  • Record Changes
  • Error
  • SaveResults
  • BDM
  • Understanding BDM style classes
  • SVG
  • Icons
  • In Bound Change Set
  • Outbound Change Set
  •  Ant Migration Tool Overview