- Understand .NET Core architecture and Advantages
- .NET Core Environment Setup
- Installing Visual Studio Code
- Installing .Net Core SDK
- Installing C# Plug-in
- Basic Application in C#
- Syntax and Constructs
- Data Types, Types of Memory
- Value Types Vs Referene Types
- Typecasting (Implicit and Explicit)
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Opertors and Control Statements
- String and StringBuilder
- Understanding Arrays
- Programming Arrays
- Multidimenstional Arrays
- Session 1,2 and 3 Activity
- Methods
- Method Overloading
- Optional Parameters
- Named Arguments and Parameters
- Writing Classes and initiating objects
- Writing methods inside classes
- Destroying objects and Garbage Collection
- Working with Properties and Static Members
- Inheritance
- Abstract class
- Polymorphism
- Interfaces
- Session 5,6 and 7 Activity
- Generic List
- Stack and Queue
- Ienumerable,Icomparable, Icompare interfaces
- Generic Collections
- Generic Classes and Methods
- Usage of Assemblies
- Working with class libraries
- Shared Libraries
- Global Assembly Cache(GAC)
- Task Assignment
- Session 9 & 10 Activity
- Exception Handling
- Exception Behavior
- Try and Catch
- Types of Streams
- Standard IO Streams
- Working with File Streams
- Readers and Writers
- Working with File Ssytem
- Serialization and Deserialization
- Session 12 & 13 Activity
- Multithreading
- Understadning Threading
- Programming Threads
- Thread Priority
- Suspend, Resume, Interrupt and Cross Thread Communication Thread Pool, Synchrnization Monitor, Semaphore and Mutex Async and Task Parallel library
- Session 15 & 16 Activity
- Windows Service Template
- Deploy and Launch Windows Services
- Working with XML
- Declaring and Using Delegates
- Declaring, Raising and Handling Events
- Declaring and Using Delegates
- Declaring, Raising and Handling Events
- Working with WinForms
- Working with Controls
- Working with GDI Objects
- Menu Strip and Tool Strip
- Model and Modelless
- MDI Apllication
- Form Inheritance
- Timer, Drag Drop, Tree View and List View
- Task Assignment
- Session 18,19,20 & 21 Activity
- Database Programming
- Managed Providers
- SQL Server Management Studio Establishing Connection
- CRUD Operations
- Active Resultsets, Parameterized Statements
- Stored Procedures,Transaction Management
- Task Assignment
- XML, Introduction and features
- PI,Elements,Content,Attributes,Comment
- Storing XML Data using ROWSET
- Parse XML Document using sp_xml_preparedocument
- Store the data from rowset
- clear the memory using sp_xml_removedocument
- Storing UnTyped Data in XML COLUMN
- Storing Typed Data in XML COLUMN
- Retrieve data using FOR XML AUTO
- Retrieve data using FOR XML RAW
- Retrieve data using FOR XML PATH
- Retrieve data using FOR XML EXPLICIT
- Xquery for,Order by,where,return
- Query, value, Exists Functions
- Insert XML, Replace XML, Delete XML
- Session 23,24,25 & 26 Activity
- Introduction to HTML, Elements, Forms, Elements
- CSS, Styles, Selectors, DOM
- Session 28 & 29 Activity